FEBRUARY 2, 2025

Members:   Candi & Larry Foster, Sonny & Diane Folsom, Phil & Tami Kilcollins, Norm Driscoll, Sandra Bartley, Meredith Folsom, Chris Langille, Carol Bell, Sandy Curran, Wayne Sweetser, Dwayne and Lynn Doody, Kevin Sipple, Wayne Marquis, Richard Carter, Carole Lamoreau, Scott Jordan, Joe Cheney (21)


Call to Order

President Phil Kilcollins called the meeting to order 1:35PM

Secretaries Report

Carol gave secretaries report. Everyone received minutes in the mail for the January meeting. Only one returned with wrong address. Motion to approve minutes, seconded, all in favor, motion passed. Minutes will be sent out by email or snail mail, depending on what you chose on your membership application. Remember to get your membership info to us by April 1st to remain on the mailing list.

Treasurers Report

January’s treasurer’s report given by Sandra; Checking $7,936.53; Deposits -$453.00 Expense $3,843.16; End of Month checking balance $4,546.37; Savings Acct. $10,118.79; CD - $10,383.42.  Expenses for January were- Canopy for trailer, Drag repairs, Scholarship pay out and gift certificate for auctioneer. The final financial report ending December 2024 and the budget for 2025 were passed around for review by members.  


Thank you note from NL Home Care & Hospice and a thank you note from Peter Folsom for sending him a get-well card.

Branch number

We need to be sure to include our branch number on all of our paperwork, including contacts, sponsorship forms etc. Our insurance company goes by the branch number not the name.

Tractor Train

 In April or May, we will get together to do some work on the trailer for the tractor train and on the tractors.

Tractor Trek

No chairperson yet – will most likely be in the southern area. Next meeting we will pick out some possible dates.

Awards Banquet

Will be discussed later in the year

Sunshine Club

Card will be sent to Dwayne Dow for his recent illness.

Ag Museum

Carol is the chair person, will look at options for displays at the fair time a bit later in the year.

Youth safety

Dwayne Dow is chair; John Bouchard will help Dwayne out as needed.

Pulling Committee

Troy Doody – Chair; Candi Foster- secretary; New pulling rule for 2025 – the tractor can be 1965 or less to be able to pull. Also, all other rules apply. You can find pulling rules on our website at under the pulling rules tab. If you need a hard copy. Please let Carol know.  

Raffle Tractor

Farmall H has been donated to the club. John Bouchard and Phil looked at it 3 weeks ago, did not get the serial number but likely in the mid-40’s. Motor has been overhauled in it, 2 rear tires- one brand new and one in good condition, 2 new front tires, has a magneto on it, body straight, tin is straight. Needs some lights, seat and decals at least. Will work on it 3 or 4 weekends at Phil’s shop. Gray Family donated it and would like a sign on the drag for the trade. Will give them a sponsorship for a couple for years. Phil called him on Friday 1-31-2025. He said when he gets it out, he will let us. know. Diane will look into getting 2nd place – electric tractor and Carol will reach out to MPG to get a diecast for 3rd place. (Farmall H) or something else.  A motion was made to have a 2nd and 3rd prize. All in favor.  We need to get some sponsors for the tractor. Will be a short deadline for sponsorships, to be able to get banner and tickets.  Houlton and Madawaska trade shows are the same weekend April 26th and 27th.  Madawaska will get the tractor for the event since that is their usual weekend. We will have 2nd and 3rd prizes go to Houlton. Will need people for both locations on that weekend. If anyone is interested in working either location, you can sign up at the March meeting or contact Carol at 207-764-1403 and leave a message. When we get the tractor- will go to Phil’s (Hardy Ketch location) to work on it, an email will be sent out to let everyone know when that will be.

EDGETA Insurance

Discussed when you need and don’t need insurance. If you are a volunteer for certain things, such as selling raffle tickets, hats, t-shirts, food etc. you do not need insurance. If you exhibit, drive or operate equipment of any kind or ride on equipment such as tractor train – you must be insurance through EDGETA to participate. Membership and insurance can be purchased the day of the event.

Plow Days

Wayne Marquis will be sponsoring the 2025 plow days. The event will be right on Rt#1 in the Van Buren area.  Anyone can come and plow – can have any year tractor old or new. Wayne wants to invite the Canadian Antique Tractor club in Drummond to see if they want to join us. Can bring your tractor 2 days prior and line up on Rt. #1 before the event or bring the day of the event. Wayne will have equipment to unload plows. There will have a portipotii available. Also, will have food available for sale.  Looking at the last Saturday in August, the 30th or the 1st Saturday in September the 6th Spread the word, if anyone needs to talk to Wayne directly his number is (207) 217-7634. Remember you will need membership $20 and insurance $23 which you can pay the day of the event. Should be a great time.


None of these are confirmed yet - Springfield Sunday June 15th; Madawaska Saturday August 16th; Houlton fair is July 11th, 12th and 13th – not sure if there will be a pull there or not. Island Falls has been contacted.


A membership form has been sent out by mail to everyone who has been on the membership list over the last several years, if there is no response by April 1st 2025, names will be removed from the list. I am working to clean up the list for 2025.


Carol contacted Jim about the Medway 150th celebration, in honor of Arthur York.  The number has been disconnected. She will reach out to others and see where we stand on this.

50 50 Draw

Candi Foster won 50/50 $24.00

Next Meeting

Sunday March2nd at 1:30PM at the PI Snowmobile Club


Adjourned at 2:33PM