Voted on 11-03-2024

 (All rules highlighted in red are new changes)

1. All pulls will have even weight classes of either 1000 or 500 lb increments, depending on time allowed.


2. If there are less than two tractors in a weight class, the member may elect to have another member pull his/her tractor so they can pull in the same weight class. The member may also elect to pull in the next higher class.


3. All pullers must produce a current Northern Maine Antique Tractor Club & EDGE&TA membership card.

4. Tractors pulling in Northern Maine Antique Tractor Club pulls will meet the following conditions:

a.  Tractors must have been in production in 1965 or before.

b.  Tractors will be “stock” which includes stock engine, frames, transmissions, rear-end and axle housing or a manufacturer’s replacement. Stock engine means the correct O.E.M. block offered with that model and year tractor.

No engine can exceed the recommended (75) Horsepower or no more than 3000 RPM’s. All tractors will have a working governor.

c.  All tractors must be equipped with working brakes & will be mandatory they also have a fan shroud.   

d.  All tractors must have a kill switch or a device accessible from the operator’s seat to kill the engine (ignition switch)

e.  Fuel: Gasoline, diesel, kerosene or LP fuels only. No alcohol or nitrous fuels may be used in the tractor. Tractors manufactured to use diesel fuel only cannot be converted to gasoline Or LP. No airplane fuel is to be used. Fuel is meant to be the same fuel that you use in your automobile or truck.

f . Draw Bar: The draw bar will be checked the same time you weigh your tractor. The draw bar and draw bar supports must be in excellent condition. Draw bars must be solidly attached to rear-end housing having a cross-support bar. Draw bars have a maximum height of twenty inches (20”). This distance is the distance from a flat surface to the top of the draw bar including any shims or washers. Tractor operators must equip their tractors with a twisted clevis that is horizontal through the draw bar. Clevis pin must be at least 18” out from the center of axle line. Measurement is taken from axle’s centerline to the back edge of pinning point. Tractor operator may use a modified drawbar with a 3” minimum inside diameter opening round hole with ½ inch plate and no more then (1 inch) from the back of the opening of the hitch device for direct attachment of the drag hook or clevis. Measurement requirements will be the same as for the use of a pinned clevis. The chain must remain in a straight line from point of attachment at drawbar to point of attachment at sled.


5. Three-point hitch drawbars may be used only if support struts and anti-sway bars are used. No vertical or horizontal movement is allowed by any O.E.M hitch or pulling point. Operator may in no way be able to move the hitch from the seat of the tractor. Drawbar must be solidly bolted or pinned in place. All other types of two-point hitches must follow the above rules, and have been recommended for use by the manufacturer.


6.No altered (cut), dual, or radial tires may be used. Also, no track, chains or steel wheels, except at special events. Tire size limited to a width of 18.4. Loaded tires are allowed ONLY if tractor and driver are weighed after tires are loaded. Any tires deemed Unsafe by the Safety Officer or Pulling Committee, the puller will not be allowed to pull until their tires are replaced and Re-checked by the safety officer.


7.The only weights allowed are O.EM., cast, bolt on wheel weight, suitcase and weight brackets and/or prior approved by pulling committee. *NO railroad iron, concrete or curling dumbbell weights. All weights must meet the following requirements before pulling:

a.  Wheel weights & suitcase weights may be any brand, not Necessarily the same brand as the tractor.

b.  All weights must be tightly secured. Wheel weights must be bolted with no movement. Hanging weights must be on a bracket. No weights are allowed to be strapped to the tractor, all have to be on a weight bracket or bolted to the frame. All ready rods and bolts must be covered for protection.

c.  All ready rods for outside wheel weights must be grade #8-3/4 “Threaded ready rod. All wheel weights that are mounted on ready rods are limited to (4) weights on each side and cannot extend more than 2” beyond the last weight. All wheel weights that are mounted on a solid bracket or bolted together are allowed.

 d.  No bungee cords or elastic or rubber cords are allowed when securing hanging weights. Ratchet straps or chain straps are allowed if they are secured tightly.

e.  The hanging weight brackets must have a 6” clearance on all four sides of the hook point. The hanging weight brackets must have a 2” minimum clearing from the back tires and the stop on the end of the bracket. Hanging wheel weights cannot extend beyond the furthest point of the rear tire. Front hanging weights are not to extend than 2ft. from the front of the tractor frame.

f.  No parts can be removed from any tractor to make a weight class if it effects the safe operation of that tractor.


8. Tractors will be weighted with the operator that is to pull that tractor and must be accompanied by an insured member. If the tractor is to be pulled again with another operator it must be weighted again. If you pull twice in the same weight class, your first pull will count towards points and your second pull will be for exhibition only. LIMIT-any tractor can only pull twice during an event, excluding the unlimited class and youth. The Pulling Committee may change this rule if too few tractors are available for the event. See Rule# 18 below. A youth under the age of 18 years old, who has taken the safety course and passed, can pull twice, per tractor pull event on a different tractor, even if that tractor has or will be pulled twice by an adult.


9. Tractors may be weighted as many times as necessary to obtain your desired weight class. Remember that tractors pulling before you have priority, especially when pulling has started. No member may load or unload weights near or on scales, so as to interfere with weighting of tractors. Whoever is unsure of their weight may still weight their tractor at the beginning of the pull. All tractors will be weighed before the class pulls but not after the class has pulled. Tractor & driver may not exceed 1% over their weight class. Any puller who exceeds the 1% allowance over their weight class will be DQ. It is recommended by the Pulling Committee to stay within your weight class.


10. Speeds: Tractor speed may not exceed 3.5 MPH. Speeds: 1st -2nd or 3rd gear, not to exceed 3.5 MPH No Torque shifting allowed while moving. If a driver goes over the speed, the driver will be stopped and allowed to re-pull.  If the driver speeds the second time they will be stopped and their distance measured.


11. If the first puller achieves a full pull, the drag may be reset and that member may elect to pull again or move to the last and pull again.


12. Tractor pullers must put the tractor in neutral and have both hands raised before being hooked to the drag. If you back into the drag you will be disqualified. First time pullers who are found not be in compliance to the pulling Rules, by the pulling committee, shall be allowed to pull but not for a ribbon, trophy or points. They must be in compliance to all safety rules to pull in general.


13.  PTO-RPM are not to exceed 700 RPM.  If Stock RPM are over 700 you much have proof by means of Owner’s manual etc.  Tractor horsepower may not exceed 10% O.EM rated horsepower and in no case more than (75HP). There will be no checking of RPM’s


14. (Optional) 50ft. Rule This is at the Pulling Committee’s choice & will be announced at the beginning of pulls when using a transfer Sled. If any member starts the sled in either the wrong gear or too high a gear, or has an engine problem and stops before the sideline Markers at 50ft., the drag will be reset and member may pull again. A member may use this rule one time per class. In the event of a engine problem, the member may pull last at the discretion of the Pulling Committee. If the puller is the last puller, they will be given 5 minutes to resolve the issue and hook on.  If any part of the drag crosses the 50ft. line and member stops, the distance will be measured and recorded as the distance pulled. If boundaries are to be setup at a pull, they will be white sidelines. If any part of the tractor’s tires touches the white line you will be stopped and the distance measured. If your tires cross the white lines, you will be disqualified. If you jerk the drag on your first hook up, you will be given a second chance and if you jerk the drag on the second hook up, you will be disqualified. (Safety precaution for drag operator) If any of the drag touches any object the driver is automatically DQ’d.


15. No four-wheel drives in regular classes.


16. All members will conduct themselves in an orderly and sportsman like behavior at all times.


17. No tractor operator may stand while pulling the tractor and one hand should be on steering wheel at all times. When pulling, drivers’ rears must be kept in the seat and no riding on the rear of the seat. 


18. Open Class- In order for a tractor to enter the Open Class, it must Weigh at least 7000lbs. including weights and driver, with maximum of 8,000 lbs. with 1% allowance. The only exception will be if there are not enough tractors to make the class (2) and then it will be by invitation only by the Pulling Committee.


B. Youth Class- A youth class will be held if there are 2 or more youth (ages 12 – 17) who        want to pull in a youth class.


19. There will be no step-on sled allowed at any times.


 20. Only one person is allowed on a tractor at anytime. Drivers must remain seated at all times. Exception will be only for Tractor Treks and Parades with a secured seat equipped for the extra rider.


21. Spectators will be kept at least (30) ft. from the edge of the pulling track. Spectators may be closer if a solid barrier or fence/ropes are provided, that separate the spectators from the track.


 22. No tractor shall be left unattended with engine running, without driver on it. If found running unattended without driver on the tractor, a Pulling/Safety Committee member will be authorized to shut the Tractor off.


23. There will no hot-rodding in the pits (staging area) or track area.


24. The front of the pulling tractor is not to lift more than 16” inches (wheels off the ground) A chain device will be provided by the NMATC Pulling Committee to monitor the height.


 25. Wheelie Bars are recommended but not required. If wheelie bars are used, the chain device is not needed.


 26. Anything that falls off the tractor from the point of hook-up to the point of being un-hooked, that puller will be DQ.



1.The Flagman rules while the tractor is on the pulling track.


2.Each sled will have a certified working fire extinguisher, mounted in such a manner as to be easily available to the sled operator or ground personal in case of a tractor fire.


3. No alcohol is to be consumed or served at any NMATC event, when tractors are involved. Firearms are not allowed at any club sponsored event.


These are a set of general rules, and other instances may arise. The Pulling Committee Chairperson running the pulls will have final say on any new instances that arise and these will be discussed with the pulling committee/safety officer present at the pulling event and the appropriate action taken after the event. In the event the Pulling Committee Chairperson is not available this matter will be brought to the attention of the Pulling Committee Co-Chairperson(s) for discussion. Final decisions on these matters should be reported to the President. 


(Amendment: December 2024)

All pulling rule changes will be discussed by the Pulling Committee and brought to the general membership for a vote by December 31st of each year. Any changes made will be in effect as of January 1st. to the next December 31st. No changes will be made in between these times.


Please Contact: Chair of the Pulling Committee or any pulling committee member with any questions.


2024 Pulling Committee Members

Troy Doody- Member and Chair

Candi Foster- Member and Secretary

Chad Ouellette

Reece Pelletier

Dennis Quint

Richard Carter

Dwayne Dow

Meredith Folsom